The Paulster
Warning! This Blog contains Random Thoughts correlated only by their interest to yours truly. Expect subject matter pertaining to computer hardware/software/programming, bass guitar, jazz, politics, coffee, religion, pop culture, science, and who has the best garlic dressing.
share*it! - Your Global Partner for Selling Shareware
Hmmm... nice addition to PayPal in processing arsenal, perhaps? share*it! - Your Global Partner for Selling Shareware
Tutorial: Linux Internet Server: Set Up a Firewall Part 2
Checking this site from the root would be a good idea... Tutorial: Linux Internet Server: Set Up a Firewall Part 2
The most frequently used commands in UNIX/LINUX | Linux Gazette
Like the title says... The most frequently used commands in UNIX/LINUX | Linux Gazette
Basic LINUX networking | Linux Gazette
Basic LINUX networking | Linux Gazette: "The Information discussed here is completely tested and verified on a network running on a Domain setup at the time of this writing. The server is running MS Windows 2003 server and a client is running Red LINUX 9.0"
Slackware, Article Issue 17
This is a fantastic guide to Slackware, FULL of URLs to such goodies as "the standard file system layout, called the Linux File system Hierarchy Standard," "An overview of LILO and how you can use it," "Designing a File System To Use Multiple Hard Drives" and more.
Slackware, Article Issue 17
Some cites include:
HITACHI Travelstar 40GB 7200RPM (14R9200) 2.5IN 9.5MM Notebook Hard Drive
Fast & cheap notebook hd for Mom's laptop:
HITACHI Travelstar 40GB 7200RPM (14R9200) 2.5IN 9.5MM Notebook Hard Drive
Justsystem Offers Peek at XML Management Architecture
"And with this model, xfy makes a direct relationship between source and presentation vocabularies, which is maintained by the product's Vocabulary Connection technology. In fact, the Vocabulary Connection technology supports plug-ins that reduce the need for application-specific modules for XML interpretation, the company said."
Justsystem Offers Peek at XML Management Architecture
Magnatune: MP3 files and music licensing (royalty free music and license music).
Interesting music distribution concept. Again, found through e-Gold .
Magnatune: MP3 files and music licensing (royalty free music and license music). - Automation Simplified.
Provider of billing, hosting, and authentication services and accepts e-Gold: - Automation Simplified.
re e-Gold, see
Tiny Turbo Throttling HTTP Server - same one used by Blogger for photo hosting! Get this & try it on a Linux build:
thttpd Project Info - dbXML
DBXML - Open Source Native XML Database
runs on Windows, Linux, OS X, all POSIX, etc... Project Info - dbXML